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Preparing Your Home for Sale: A Checklist for Homeowners

Wednesday, March 1, 2023 3:05 PM By Koch Properties

Preparing Your Home for Sale: A Checklist for Homeowners

Now that you are ready to sell, you have decided to list your house for sale, it’s time to get your house ready!

The home selling process can be stressful and can feel like a circus act - you’ll need to keep your home in pristine condition each day it’s on the market, but it doesn’t have to be.

With a little bit of hard work and preparation, you can make sure your house looks like the perfect home and fetch you the best price in the market.

This checklist is designed to help you get started.

Hire a Great Real Estate Agent :

Begin by finding the right real estate agent. This is a crucial step, as their expertise and experience can help you make the most of your real estate transaction.

Ask for referrals from friends and family, research agents online, and compare to ensure you make the best choice.

The key is to work with an agent who knows your market and has a track record of success. This will make a big difference.

Create a Marketing Plan That Will Reach Your Prospective Buyers

Once you have chosen your agent, they will provide a detailed marketing strategy. This plan should include everything from digital marketing to mailers and open houses.

Make sure the plan is tailored specifically for your home sale, so that it can outline how to reach the right buyers with the right message

Get The Home's Paperwork in Order:

Before you can list your home, you’ll need to get all the paperwork in order. This includes everything from title documents to surveys and permits - also make sure that any documents related to home repairs and improvements are up-to-date.

If you have any questions, your real estate agent can be a great resource for helping

Your real estate agents will be able to guide you through this process and help ensure that all of the necessary documentation is in place before listing your home.

Research the Market :

Take the time to research the market. Become familiar with average homes asking price, recent sales in the area, and what features buyers are looking for.

This will help you better understand your own sale, as well as give you an idea of what price point your home should be listed at.

Your listing agent can get a competitor analysis to make sure your pricing is competitive.

De clutter & Do Deep Cleaning

One of the most important steps when preparing your home for sale is to make sure the entire home looks clean and clutter-free.

Start by decluttering each room - especially the small rooms as this will make the room look spacious and donating or selling items that you do not need.

Then deep clean every surface, including carpets, area rugs, shower curtains, varnish the dining table and the bedside tables and upholstery- you can hire a carpet cleaning service.

Give each area a thorough scrubbing so that prospects can envision themselves living in the space.

Make Repairs :

Take care of any repairs or maintenance needs before listing your home on the market.

You may want to hire an inspector to check for plumbing, electrical, light fixtures and HVAC issues that need attention.

Even small repairs like adding a fresh coat of paint (use neutral tones) or fixing the front door can make a big impression on potential buyers.

Improve Curb Appeal :

Create great first impressions by sprucing up your home’s exterior. Remember your front porch is the first impression your home makes to prospects.

Make sure your front yard/lawn is mowed and neat, and keep the front of the house clutter-free.

Consider adding a few plants or fresh flowers to add some color and life to the space that will impress buyers.

Also remember to clean the windows, power wash siding, trim shrubs and sort the outdoor lighting for an inviting look.

Depersonalise The Home :

When buyers come to view your home, you want them to be able to envision themselves living there.

This means it is important to depersonalise the space and remove any personal photos, own belongings and items that may distract from its potential.

Take down family photos, remove excess furniture, and make sure each room looks like a blank canvas.

Hire a Professional Photographer :

Professional photos are essential in today’s market where most potential buyers are online thus photos are the first impression.

They can help potential buyers get a better understanding of your home and what it has to offer.

Hire a professional photographer who will be able to capture the best angles of your home, as well as highlight its features and amenities.

Prepare Your Home For Showings and Open Houses :

Hire a professional stager or do it yourself. You want prospective buyers to feel at home and envision themselves living in the space. Remove any personal items, add neutral light colours and accessories, leave a fresh fruit basket, make sure each room is well lit and check those light bulbs.

Showings are designed to give most buyers an opportunity to view your home up close. Make sure it is staged properly so that buyers can envision themselves living there.

Take care of any minor repairs, remove clutter, and make sure the house always looks neat and tidy.

Additionally, if you plan on hosting open houses during the sale process, make sure these are well-prepared and organized.

Do not Get Emotionally Attached :

It’s important to remember that your home is now a product and you are its seller.

Try not to get too emotionally attached as it can be difficult for any potential buyer to envision themselves living in the space.

Be prepared for negotiations and accept feedback with an open mind.

Conclusion :

Preparing your house for sale can be a daunting task, but taking the time to do it right can help you get the best price possible - create a to do list.

Utilise this comprehensive checklist and have confidence knowing that you are prepared for what lies ahead.

With the right resources and guidance, you’ll be able to navigate through this process effortlessly and make sure your home is ready for its new owners.

Remember: The key is to stay organised during this process so that you can have a smooth sale experience and ultimately achieve the best price for your home.

Happy Selling! & Good luck!